Welcome to Vanguard School
Hello and welcome to Vanguard School, where each child is treated as an individual. We take enormous care to give our students the support they need to learn well and to develop their confidence and independence.
About us
Opened in January 2020, Vanguard School is an outward facing school, with inclusion and community engagement at its core. Our specialist secondary school is designed to support students who are able to complete GCSEs and A Levels to thrive and achieve their aspirations.
What makes us different?
At Vanguard, we have built a new kind of school. A school which focuses on young people’s futures and puts skills for life and employment at the heart of the curriculum.
A need for improved special education needs provision in the borough of Lambeth and neighbouring Greater London was identified and the call for a new specialist school to meet this need was spearheaded by local parents. Vanguard School helps reduce out-of-borough and independent placements, which reduces education costs for the Lambeth authority. This has the added benefit that children who attend the school are educated and build connections in their local community.
Designed by Pozzoni Architecture, the specialist autism school occupies an urban plot in Lambeth, close to modern residential developments and a variety of local amenities. As well as high-quality learning facilities, the two-storey, 2,500m2 building also contains 14 classrooms, a soft play area, a sensory room, a library and two therapy rooms.
School facts
- Autism specialists
- Students aged 11-19 years
- 78 places, with a phased intake
- Brand new purpose-built school opened in January 2020
- Secondary school and sixth form shadowing the national curriculum
- One-to-one support offered, if required as part of the EHCP
- Calm, nurturing environment
- Clear and open communication with parents and families
We recognise that each young person on the autism spectrum has unique needs and unique approaches to learning. We therefore personalise the curriculum to meet the individual needs of each student.
We seek to engage our students in learning through the delivery of a flexible and challenging curriculum, where all lessons have a sense of discovery. We provide opportunities for young people to develop their confidence and self-esteem, to think creatively and take risks, work independently and collaboratively, and to respect others.
Our aim is to increase the opportunities available to young people. We identify and nurture each young person’s talents so they experience success, develop confidence and thrive. We provide pupils with opportunities to learn skills, understand their own difficulties and strengths and develop ‘personal tool kits’ to help them through stages of life. We work collaboratively, ensuring we support the outcomes that are important to parents and health and social care professionals.
The purpose of our curriculum is to provide students with a foundation of knowledge and skills that will prepare them for their future adult life, and increase their opportunities and inclusion in society. We deliver personalised learning that capitalises on individual strengths and removes barriers to learning, enabling our students to achieve their potential and beyond.
Our curriculum enables students to work towards Entry level, GCSE and A-level qualifications. The curriculum promotes the intellectual, personal, social and physical development of all students. The curriculum takes account of students' differing abilities, experiences and profile in order to provide all students with both challenge and opportunity.
The curriculum is sufficiently flexible to facilitate some students accessing learning at partner mainstream schools where appropriate. The focus of the curriculum is supporting young people to make a successful transition into adulthood as confident young people with the necessary skills to live independently, gain paid employment and participate in their local community. We believe education must adapt, and the curriculum is constantly evaluated and reviewed to meet individual needs and the changing values of society (such as the increase in the use of technology). All students have the right to an appropriate curriculum and the school supports the right of all students to equal access regardless age, culture, religion, ability or disability.
Open Days
Open mornings for prospective parents will take place on the following dates below from 10am to 12pm.
Thursday 16th March 2023
If you would like to attend one of our open mornings please email office@vanguardschool.org.uk or call 02080596310 to book
Contact Vanguard School
Vanguard School,
Lollard Street,
SE11 6QH
Tel: 0208 0596 310
Email: office@vanguardschool.org.uk
Key Contacts
For general enquires please call the School Office on 0208 0596 310 or email us at office@vanguardschool.org.uk
For admission enquiries please contact us at admissions@vanguardschool.org.uk
Please contact us if you require a free-of-charge paper copy of the information on our website.
If your child is a Vanguard student, you can let Ofsted know what you think of our school via Parent View.